Renewing My Mind

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Will It or Won't It?

Tonight is one of those fun nights...I'm going to stay up intentionally until 11 to catch the last newscast. And I'll get up early tomorrow morning and turn to the news right away.
One of the things I LOVE about North Carolina that I didn't get to experience much in Texas...winter weather! We are under a Winter Storm Warning beginning tomorrow at 6 am through midnight. Possibly 6 inches of snow! What I don't know is how accurate they are for our new town, Mount Airy. In Raleigh, it was most likely we weren't going to get snow if they said we would (like 9 times out of 10) and that would would get snow suddenly, and sometimes a lot, if they said it would just be rain. But now that we live so much closer to the mountains, how accurate are they? One thing is for sure, it is going to precipitate, but we don't know if it will be cold enough for snow. I think, most likely, I'll have to go to school tomorrow, deal with hyper kids - myself included - all watching out the window and waiting to hear the words that we've dismissed school early. And there's that chance it will snow enough tomorrow afternoon that we'll have Tuesday off.
At least I've learned since high school, just because they say there's a chance, don't skip writing your paper for English! So I'm prepared to teach, but hoping in my heart that I get to sleep in.

Can I relate this to waiting for Christ to come for Christmas? Is that too much of a stretch? I realized at one point this evening, that I was more anxious and in awe of the weather tomorrow than the thought of a baby, born to a virgin, come to save the world of its sin, celebrated in less than a month.
Maybe one of these days I'll learn what's important. Until then, happy snow wishes...and even more significant...wishes of an insightful Advent season, anxiously awaiting the arrival of the One.


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